An Update

Oh right! I have a blog that I haven’t written for over a month!

I thought about this while watching the news today, because we’ve had rain pouring down over us for a week, and now a hurricane has developed off the east coast and is headed north ready to dump another 6 inches on us. We were supposed to head down to the beach this weekend, but uh, that’s not happening. It’s the perfect thing to talk about, I thought. Then I realized I hadn’t updated everything that’s been happening in this crazy, crazy month. So here goes:

We moved! Our new house is amazing. All the bedrooms are on the same floor, we have a really great fenced in back yard, and once it’s cleared of our junk the bonus room above the garage is going to be amazing. The unpacking and decorating have been a little neglected though because we’ve been getting the old house ready for market. (Well Mike has anyway. I stayed home and watched the kids because driving over an hour to let them play in an empty house all day is not conducive to getting anything done.)

The old house went on the market a few days ago and we accepted an offer last night! The buyers want a quick closing so if all goes well that’ll happen in a few weeks. Tomorrow we’re all headed out there before all the nasty weather hits us. I want to see the house one last time and I’ll provide a little more storage room in my car for getting the last bit of stuff out of the garage. I hope the new people love it. I’m sad to see the house that sheltered both of our babies go.

The kids have taken the new house and the move very well. After a rough first week, both kids have settled into their rooms beautifully and have already made the place their own. Adam asks about the old house occasionally, and I’m hoping that visiting one last time and seeing it empty will help him understand that we’re not going back to live there.

They’ve both also decided that this is the optimum month to make unreal amounts of developmental leaps. Adam has all of his teeth now, and has started pretending, telling us stories, and speaking in paragraphs. He’s also so very close to potty training I can’t stand it. All he needs to do is figure out how to get himself to the bathroom instead of me telling him to go. Oh yeah, and he talks non stop!! All sorts of questions, the same question repeated over and over, and gibberish words when all else fails him stream out of his mouth in a river of new skills. It’s been…tolerable. So far. Check back with me in a month when it hasn’t stopped.

Owen likewise has found his voice, except it comes out in ear shattering screams, complete with tongue out and drool landing on us. He’s started to get up on his elbows and knees and wants so badly to get around. Not that rolling and scooting on his face isn’t working, because it is. That kid is fast, and has an obsession with the Blu-Ray player unlike any I’ve ever seen. I blink and he’s found his way over to it and is trying his best to reach up and eat it. He also doesn’t have any teeth, but has started solids. It’s only been bananas so far, but sweet potatoes are next on the menu tonight.

So that’s that for now. I’m hoping that being done with the old house will free up more time over here and I can keep up with the happenings. I’m going to go back to my banana bread in the oven, because nothing brings out the baker in me like an impending rainy apocalypse